Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Uncommon Cense

Just a thought...1!
On a sunny morning in March of 1996, Lord Ganesha, across Indian temples started to guzzle milk by the litres. It was believed that Ganesha, being the most popular of the zillions of Indian gods, was happy with the country and its people, and would shower his blessings on any one who fed him milk that day!

People, young and small, rich and poor, atheists and theists, rushed to the nearest temple to see the miracle. Most were exited by the prospect of getting to please their favourite god, some others just went in so they could not be left out of the 'when -I went - to- the- temple- with- a bowl -of-milk....' discussions that would last well into the next couple of weeks, while the last few sceptics pitched in to find the hidden conspiracy behind it all.

The frenzy resulted in a demand - supply gap for milk that very quickly led to an unprecedented inflation in its price, that skyrocketed to as much as Rs 50 a litre form a mere Rs 9.

Weather divine or human, the intervention was well orchestrated to last just over a day.

Just a thought…

Would we have fed Ganesha with milk, if he had continued to shower his blessings over us well beyond a day?

Will people continue to believe in their God, if He actually begins to accept all their offerings??


pallavi said...

Hi Vikram and KK

Thanks for those comments.

I completely agree with you that belief or faith in something...anything, is what keeps people going on.

and Vikram, I am big fan of your blog. Keep visisting it often. You seem to have quite a crowd there.


Unknown said...

Hi Pallavi,

I think it is a great idea to present complex thoughts with day to day examples. This would be a fitting example to explain Inflation to students.

Only because Ganesh drank milk, I was able to learn about surface tension. God is really great !.

A very good post indeed.